- Relationships: I made plenty of time with friends.
- Career: I've learned a fair amount about AngularJS and begun to pick up Angular 7 and TypeScript.
- Health and Longevity: I finally got my winter bike in good working order and rode it to work for the past week.
- Financial Independence: I've neglected the budget pretty badly and it's in disrepair. :/
Personal Goals Reviews
This is my second review! I remembered to write this review after sprint reviews ended at work, so that seems to be an effective trigger. However, I meant for the trigger to be [hand waving] some magical thing the night before. That - totally unsurprisingly - did not work out and I forgot to pack my personal laptop. I only got away with it because I happened to work from home today due to illness. In the future I'll just let sprint review and a calendar reminder work as triggers.
Updated Habit
- Trigger(s): Sprint Review Friday, reminder at 5:30pm
- Actions: Open my goals and habits document and my project management software. Write a blog post summarizing what progress I have made toward my goals, habits, and projects, and whether any of them need revision.
Bedtime Routine
I've been successful in performing the ritual 9/10 weeknights. I've even come to enjoy the routine again. Packing for the next day I can take or leave, but I look forward to a nice mug of tea and a bit of light reading at the end of the day. A dear friend lent me a copy of The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss and it's been a delight. Now I'm working through The Design of Everyday Things by Donald A. Norman. The thing that troubles me, though, is that my 9pm alarm trigger is maybe 40% effective. I think this fortnight I'll try starting the routine when supper ends. This is often when I naturally start anyway.
Updated Habit
- Trigger(s): End of supper
- Actions: Quit current activity. Pack clothes, books, and laptop for the next day. Brush teeth. Make a mug of tea. Read book in bed. Go to sleep.
Leave Work on Time
I left work before 5pm 8/10 workdays this fortnight. The 3 calendar reminders seem to have done the trick here. I had to use a combination of iCal and Automator to get things working the way that I wanted, but they've been reliable. I tend to switch from deep work to procedural stuff and planning or teaching between the first two reminders. Now I'm getting home in a consistent, earlier time window. I eat better, have more energy in the evening, and spend more time with friends and family. I'm just a bit happier overall. I honestly think these factors have contributed to the success of my bedtime routine as well.
Updated Habit
- Trigger(s): Reminder at 3:30pm, reminder and auto-close communication apps at 4:30pm, logout at 5:00pm
- Actions: Stop current task. Close email and chat applications. Fill out work log. GTFO.
This fortnight I dusted off Bitclock, which is a binary clock widget. Then I wrote a whole blog post about it. I refactored it to prepare to port it to meatspace and to rewrite it with a few different tech stacks in order to build some extremely career-relevant knowledge. Plus, it was fun. I still really love that little thing. And maybe soon I'll be able to put it on my desk or hang it on my wall and drone on about it.