Personal Goals Reviews
This is my first review! To trigger this review I packed my personal laptop in my bag before work. The laptop in the bag proved an effective visual reminder to write this review, and allowed me to start my task as soon as I remembered it. However, I am concerned about whether I can continue to remember to pack my laptop on the appropriate mornings.
Modifications: Pack personal laptop the night before.
Morning Routine
I haven't had much success with this habit yet. On day 1 I happily got out of bed, shut off my alarm clock by barcode, and patted myself on the back whilst reading a book and drinking my coffee. On day 2 I turned my phone off, went back to sleep, thankfully woke up when I heard the garbage truck outside, and rushed off to work barely on time. The rest of the fortnite was similarly unsuccessful. I think the real problem here is that I'm not getting enough sleep, and the barcode alarm clock does not address that. I should focus on my bedtime routine before shifting my focus back to anything more lofty than waking up on time for work.
Modifications: Don't bother with productive work yet.
Bedtime Routine
I only managed to get to bed before 9pm on day 1. On day 2 I stayed up past midnight and regretted it immediately. Most other nights I got to sleep by 10pm. I need a better trigger here, but I'm not sure what. Over the next fortnite I'll try to determine what prevents me from going to sleep when I hear that alarm. As for actions, I've rediscovered that drinking a glass of water helps me wake up feeling more alert and with a certain urge to get out of bed. I should drink a glass of water before bed each night.
Modifications: Drink a glass of water.
Leave Work on Time
I had a lot of success with leaving work before 5pm. However, my automated triggers stopped working after day 1, and I haven't taken the time to determine why or how to fix them. I've added a task to fix the issue by Monday.
Modifications: None.